Thursday, October 18, 2007

To T,How to add links at the top of my page

umm....I not so good at explaining the code,lol
so,I show you... :P

well,in the code,I have to use the upgrade blogger template,not the classic one,or it wouldn't work...

Scroll down the code until you reach at

< div id='header-wrapper' >
< b:section class='header' id='header' maxwidgets='1' showaddelement='no' >
< b:widget id='Header1' locked='true' title='Ryson Graphics (Header)' type='Header'/ >
< /b:section >
< / div>

Paste this code below the one above

< div id='topmenu' >
< ul >
< li class='' > < a href=' URL LINK'>SITE NAME< /a>
< li class='' > < a href=' URL LINK'>SITE NAME< /a>
< li class='' > < a href=' URL LINK'>SITE NAME< /a>
< li class='' > < a href=' URL LINK'>SITE NAME< /a>
< li class='' > < a href=' URL LINK'>SITE NAME< /a>
< /ul >
< /div >

replace URL LINk with the URL of the website you want to link to..
and replace SITE NAME with the name,like Disney-X :)

hope this explain to you T :)

P.S - Remove any space in the code,since when I combine them together,they start working again :)